
Fixed proportions production function
Fixed proportions production function

fixed proportions production function

It's going to go to two and then the rest of them will be just straight lines. You 23 and then this is going to join all the way down here and then adds point who? It's going to go to one and then a 0.4.

fixed proportions production function

So three for 56 So basically, at six, we're just going to draw lines all the way. What's a draw The asset quality for the production function. Is he close to, um oh, comma one of us? Okay, so the graphs You look like this. So the ice a quint for they're both production function will be l shaped so and the icicles for the production function minus Q. So for that, the fixed proportion production function of the firm is given by Q is equal to m l comma one.

fixed proportions production function

So the first question is, draw the resi sequence for this production function, so we're going to start with that with that. So one more cup itself does the firm no good. Similarly, when you need of one more, you need to have capital. So if the firm has an extra worker and no more capital, you can still produce one unit of output so they can still produce, or in the point of output, with an extra worker and no more capital. So wine, it's of outputs, is produced using one walker, and so you need of capital. Suppose that a firm has fixed proportion British production of function in which one youth or output is produced using one worker and two units of capital.

Fixed proportions production function